The best part of holidays is the people we spend them with (though food is a close second, but we might be biased). When it’s your year to host, it can be incredibly stressful, but with our tips you’ll get it all done with ease, while still making everyone feel special and offering a delicious drink!

Serve Cheerful Cocktails

Signature cocktails have been popular with our wedding catering clients for years now, but we love them for events of all kinds! They’re perfect for setting the mood during cocktail hour and offer a fun chance to explore new flavors. We whipped up a delicious Merry Merry Margarita to bring some cheer to your festivities. You can find the recipe here!

To Cancel or Not to Cancel

Events of all sizes are a little bit confusing to navigate these days. It’s important to follow federal and local guidelines as you make this decision, but if the show must go on, we’ve put together some ideas for mitigating risk at your event.

Save Yourself Some Work

If you’re the kind of host who’s looking at tips for being a great host, the holiday season is probably a lot of work! That’s where your favorite Austin caterer swoops in to the rescue. Whether you pick up a holiday dessert tray to save yourself from hours of baking or an appetizer tray for a party, let us take some of the load off

Prep Ahead

Don’t leave every bit of cooking and prep work until the day of your big event. Look through your recipes — are there any that you could make the day before? Or are there some components you could chop or measure ahead of time? This might be the oldest trick in the book, but it really will reduce stress on the day of.

Check Preferences and Dietary Concerns

Did you know that, according to Food Allergy Research and Education, approximately 32 million people in the U.S. have food allergies? And many more have specific dietary restrictions they adhere to. It’s a good idea to ask guests ahead of time what their restrictions and preferences are to ensure you have options for everyone.

Add Welcoming Touches

If guests are coming to stay, be sure to add some thoughtful comforts to their space. Small things like a bottle of water or reading materials on a bedside table and a spare phone charger on the dresser can all add up to a thoroughly enjoyable stay. For guests joining for just one meal, having peaceful music playing in the background and opting for real silverware, plates, and linen napkins can make a few short hours just as memorable. 

Incorporate Traditions

Some people won’t be traveling to see family this year. If you’re hosting anyone in this situation, consider asking them what some of their holiday traditions are and incorporate some into your holiday. You’ll bring them a small piece of the traditions they know and love, but thought they might miss this year. This gesture can be incredibly meaningful and comforting, which is just what we need more of this year.

Don’t worry; we’re sure you’ll be a great host! Click here if you’d like to order some food to lighten your holiday task list or here to check out our custom drink recipe.